Quality tea production from Australia

Sandalwood Tea

Sandalwood tea can effectively relieve tension, improve efficiency and reduce pressure with minimal effort.

+1300 414 111

In today’s fast-paced life, people often live under great pressure. Sandalwood tea can effectively relieve tension, improve efficiency and reduce pressure with minimal effort. Rich in a variety of nutritional trace elements can supplement the nutritional deficiency and imbalance in the fast-paced life. Sandalwood tea also has the health care functions of clearing lung and benefiting energy, regulating blood lipid, regulating

Our products

Sandalwood Tea

Sandalwood tea, as the company’s main product, is of excellent quality and exquisite taste and aroma

About Australian Sandalwood Tea

About Australian Sandalwood Products​


What our buyers says

Mr. W, a Chinese man living in Australia all the year round, kept his blood pressure below 140 after drinking sandalwood tea for 2 months. He has now ceased taking blood pressure medication and compared with his previous condition of hypertension, he has now naturally reduced and stabilised his blood pressure.

Mr. W

Mr. Steven from Australia, introduced by a friend, started drinking sandalwood tea a month ago. He sent us a thank-you letter, saying that he didn't expect that the effect of tea could be so ideal! Mr. Steven used to be tired and inefficient; now he is in a good state of mind, radiant and more energetic.

Mr. Steven